
Gout Diet: Top Foods to Avoid and Delicious Alternatives to Enjoy

Not long ago, my uncle was diagnosed with gout—a condition that left him in unbearable joint pain. Thereafter, he consulted a nutritionist for help and embarked on a transformative dietary journey, bidding farewell to red meat, alcohol, and processed foods. Instead, he started eating lots of fresh fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. The result? Truly […]

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Foods to Avoid When Coughing: Preventing Aggravation and Discomfort

Picture this: you’re nestled on the sofa, cocooned in a blanket, besieged by a cough that feels like it’s shaking your very core. Each breath brings a fresh wave of throat irritation, and all you crave is relief. You reach for tea and biscuits, hoping to ease your sore throat. But did you know certain […]

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How to Cut Down on Sugar: Simple Swaps for a Sweet-Free Diet

Hey there, sugar lover turned sugar reducer! Are you ready to embark on a sweet-free adventure that’ll leave you feeling healthier and happier? Cutting down on sugar doesn’t have to be a chore; it can be a fun and exciting journey filled with delicious swaps and tasty treats. In this blog post, we’ll explore various […]

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A Guide to Healthy Eating in Singapore: Tips and Tricks

Singapore is renowned for its vibrant food scene, offering a plethora of mouthwatering dishes that tempt locals and tourists alike. While indulging in the city-state’s culinary delights is undoubtedly enjoyable, it’s equally important to prioritise healthy eating in Singapore. In this blog post, we will explore tips and tricks to help you navigate Singapore’s food […]

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5 Healthy Alternatives to Common Kitchen Staples

Now that the pandemic is over – or at least there are lesser restrictions – people are making big plans for the summer. From cruises to cottages to that coveted pool party – you don’t want to miss out on all the fun. It’s time to get back in shape to show off that summer […]

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Exercising Right for Effective Weight Loss: My Top 10 Tips

If you’re trying to lose weight and/or wanting to start on a new exercise regimen, check out my earlier post on how to get things started. So now you have your gear ready and you’re mentally prepared to transform your lifestyle, what’s next? Know how to maximise the benefits of your training and see faster […]

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Exercising Right for Effective Weight Loss: How to Get Started

Welcome to Geri’s boot camp! My very own torture chamber! Lol. Where I put myself through ‘extreme torture’ just to get to where I am now. Because exercising is REALLY tough! And I’m not kidding! Well, it took me quite a while to get this up following my last post about me losing weight since embarking on a new exercise regimen […]

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Effective Weight Loss: Losing 15kg in 15 weeks – If I can do it, so can you!

Losing 15kg in 15 weeks sounds daunting? It is actually an achievable task! Last week when I was at my gym, one of the regular gym-goers approached me while I was on the leg press machine just to comment that I had slimmed down a lot especially around my middle section. Today, another lady complimented […]

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