
Bacon-Wrapped Stuffed Chicken Recipe (Part 1 of 2)

Besides making Scotch eggs as an entree, the husband made Alfredo Fettuccine and Bacon-Wrapped Chicken as the main which I thought were really special and meaningful because I was hooked onto this really delicious Alfredo Fettuccine that I had to have it every evening for dinner during my cruise and the Bacon-Wrapped Stuffed Chicken was the exact dish the husband made when he was planning to propose to me 5 years ago, lol. Everything on this plate really brought back lovely memories 🙂

As there are two very different items on the same plate, I shall split this post into two parts and start off with the Bacon-Wrapped Chicken Stuffed with Mushrooms Recipe which is one that the husband came up with. I did a little tweaking though by persuading him to add some cream cheese to the stuffing and it worked out really well. All the salty flavour of the bacon went right into the chicken breast and the stuffing inside just gave it another dimension and texture. My mouth is watering now just thinking about it! Hope you will like it as much as I did 🙂

Bacon-Wrapped Stuffed Chicken Recipe

Bacon-Wrapped Chicken Breast Stuffed with Mushrooms Recipe

Ingredients (serves 2)
1 chicken breast approx. 300g, butterflied & cut into half (to make two rolls)
100g button mushrooms, diced
1 small yellow onion, diced
1 wedge Laughing Cow light cream cheese
salt & freshly ground black pepper
6 slices streaky bacon
olive oil

1. Preheat oven to 180 deg C and line a baking tray with aluminium foil.
2. Heat a little olive oil in pan and stir fry the onions and mushrooms till tender. Add cream cheese and mix thoroughly. Season with salt and pepper.
3. Divide the mushroom mixture into two portions and place one portion onto one end of each chicken breast. Roll up the chicken breast and use your fingers to tuck in the mushroom mixture so that the latter is stuffed right in the middle. Wrap the stuffed chicken roll with bacon and secure with bamboo skewers.
4. Transfer the chicken onto the baking tray and bake for about 15-20 minutes till the bacon turns crispy and golden brown. Remove the skewers and serve.


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