
Steamed Tofu with Minced Pork & Wolfberries Recipe

I love tofu, be it fried, braised or steamed. And they are just so nutritious too.

This is one of my favourite tofu dishes as it’s not oily, not heaty and really easy to make. Who says tofu must always be plain? Not when they are dressed up like this Steamed Tofu with Minced Pork & Wolfberries.

The silky smooth texture of the silken tofu is well complemented by the tender minced pork and sweet wolfberries (aka goji berries). Best served with steamed rice or porridge. Enjoy! 🙂


Steamed Tofu with Minced Pork & Wolfberries Recipe

Ingredients (serves 4 as one of few side dishes)
2 tubes of silken tofu (500g), sliced into 1/2″ thick pieces
100g minced pork
6g dried wolfberries, rinsed
1 stalk spring onion, finely chopped + extra for garnish
1/2 tbsp light soy sauce
1 tsp sesame oil
1 tsp corn flour
1/2 tbsp Chinese cooking wine
pinch of sugar
few dashes ground white pepper

1. Combine the minced pork with the spring onions and marinate with light soy sauce, sesame oil, corn flour, wine, sugar and pepper. Set aside for 10 minutes.
2. Arrange tofu slices on a steaming dish in one single layer. Scoop a teaspoonful of the minced meat mixture onto each piece of tofu and top with a few wolfberries.
3. Steam on high heat for 10 minutes till meat is cooked through.
4. Garnish with spring onions and serve.


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