
Dexin Chishang Fanbao – Come here for their tasty bentos!

We came across Dexin Chishang Fanbao (德欣池上飯包) on our way back to Angel Wings Inn after the coach dropped us off at the end of our Taroko Gorge day tour. Decided to get takeout from here to eat at our inn because we were exhausted from our day out. Menu They have eight different bento […]

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Zhou Jia Steamed Dumplings on Gongzheng Street, Hualien City

We walked to Zhongshan Road because we wanted to try the famous steamed buns at Gongzheng Baozi (公正包子店), which many people had raved about on Google. When we arrived, we were surprised to find no queue at the shop, but rather a very long queue at the next-door Zhou Jia Steamed Dumplings (周家蒸餃). The line […]

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Fang Yuan Chao Zhou Handmade Wonton Noodles 方元潮州手工餛飩麵

We were unable to book a whale watching tour in time, so we had a free day in Hualien. Walked down Heping Road from Angel Wings Inn, where we stayed, to Nanbin Park. Came across Fang Yuan Chao Zhou Handmade Wonton Noodles 方元潮州手工餛飩麵 shop along the way and decided to stop for brunch. Had intended […]

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Dongdamen Night Market in Hualien 東大門夜市

Dongdamen Night Market (aka East Gate Night Market 東大門夜市), which opened in July 2015, is Hualien County’s largest night market. Hualien is Taiwan’s largest gateway to the Pacific Ocean, hence the name East Gate Night Market. The current location of the night market (between Beibin Park and Nanbin Park) was once the grounds of the […]

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Tzen-Mochi 曾記麻糬 – Best Mochi Shop in Taiwan!

If you want to buy food gifts in Hualien, the first thing that many people think of is probably mochi, because mochi is a snack suitable for all ages, and the most famous mochi in Hualien has to be Tzen-Mochi. Tzen-Mochi only has outlets in Hualien and Yilan County’s Suao Town. If you live in […]

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Cai Ji Dou Hua 蔡記豆花 in Hualien – Delicious Desserts Await!

If you ask the locals which dessert shop in Hualien is worth visiting, I’m sure the majority, if not all, will recommend Cai Ji Dou Hua 蔡記豆花 on Minguo Road. Though they mention 豆花 aka soy beancurd or tofu pudding in their brand name, they do not just specialise in that. Surprisingly, the most popular […]

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