
Super Lobster Village 龍皇海鲜村 in Johor

After having desserts and drinks at Yard & Co, we made our way to Super Lobster Village, a popular seafood restaurant that locals and tourists, especially Singaporeans, rave about. We were following Google Maps, but one of the main roads was blocked, so we had to take a different route.

This alternate route took us through dirt and gravel paths in what felt like a neglected industrial wasteland. There were just trees, bushes, and stray dogs—it was eerily deserted. We almost turned back and ditched dinner plans, but then we saw signs for Super Lobster Village and decided to keep going. Honestly, if I’d known the way would be like this, I wouldn’t have come. We were driving super slowly because there were no street lamps and we had to rely on our car headlights. The thought of getting stranded there in the dark was pretty scary!

When we finally saw lights in the distance, we were so relieved. What a treacherous journey to get here!

But this isn’t usually the case. They did post on their Facebook page the day before that the main road would be closed and we’d have to take a different route. We just didn’t check it in time and didn’t expect to go through all that. The restaurant also mentioned on their FB page that it’s better to use the WAZE app for directions instead of Google Maps.

The restaurant was super spacious, with an open-air setup—no air-conditioning, just that “kampung” vibe. It was so quiet and peaceful, almost like being in a village.

It was around 7:20pm but there wasn’t a soul in sight besides us. The staff were just chilling, having a chat. Couldn’t tell if it was because of the roadblock or if folks usually swing by for lunch, not dinner.


I didn’t snap pics of every page on the menu, just a few to give you an idea of the prices. Seafood’s never cheap, wherever you go, but comparing with Singapore, I’d say it’s more affordable here thanks to the currency exchange rate.

I guess they call it Super Lobster Village because they’re all about lobsters. Turns out, this part of Johor is like a lobster paradise or something!

My husband isn’t really into lobsters and crabs, so we skipped those. Here’s what we ended up ordering:

Oyster Egg (Small) RM20

We tried the oyster egg—pretty standard stuff. The oysters were clean and fresh, and the chilli had a nice kick to it.

Salted Egg Bitter Gourd (Small) RM16

Every slice of bitter gourd was nicely coated in fragrant salted egg yolk. No bitterness at all! I loved that the bitter gourd slices were cooked perfectly, with a firm crunch. Definitely the best bitter gourd dish I’ve ever had.

Baby Squid with BBQ Sauce (Small) RM30

One of my go-to dishes at a seafood place like this is the baby squids. They were fried to a perfect crunch—super addictive. I couldn’t stop munching on them. Would’ve been even better if the sauce was a bit less sweet.

Aromatic Lala (500g) RM30

The Aromatic Lala is basically Kam Heong Lala. It’s super savoury and packed with flavour, almost like a mix of hae bee hiam and XO sauce. The lala itself was fresh and clean, no hint of sand at all.

Salted Egg Squid (Small) RM30

When they brought out the Salted Egg Squid, I thought they got our order wrong because it looked way too orange compared to the Salted Egg Bitter Gourd. But hey, the squid was cooked just right—super tender. Though, gotta admit, the salted egg sauce was a tad sweet, almost like the sauce you get with sweet & sour pork (Gu Lou Yuk/ 咕噜肉). Tasty, but it can get a bit sickly after a while.

Lime Plum and Soursop (RM4.90 each)

The drinks were ice-cold and refreshing—just what we needed to wash down a hearty meal.

The prices listed above do not include taxes. Total bill came to RM155.20 (S$44.50), which was quite reasonable for two people.


Overall, I thought the food quality was pretty solid, and you definitely get bang for your buck. Even though we ordered the smallest portions of each dish, they were still quite generous. With five dishes between the two of us, we couldn’t even finish everything.

The only downside was that it looked like rain was coming, so there were quite a few flying ants buzzing around. The staff handled it by turning off one of the bigger lights, which helped. But then, out of nowhere, this huge, weird-looking bug landed right on our table! We had to call over the staff to help shoo it away—talk about unexpected guests! Just part of the “fun” of dining in a kampung environment, I guess. There’s always so much action!

If I find myself in Desaru again, I wouldn’t mind swinging by for another meal. But next time, I think I’ll aim for lunch instead, just in case we have to tackle those dirt and gravel paths again. Plus, hopefully, we won’t have any insect friends crashing our meal party!

Super Lobster Village
PTD 789, Jalan Perindu 15
Kg Bukit Buloh, 81600 Pengerang
Johor, Malaysia
11.00am to 10.00pm daily

+60 17-680 6556

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